Source code for

The :mod:`` module is a collection of miscellaneous helper

This module contains the following functions:

* :func:`FreqResp2RealImag`: Calculate real and imaginary parts from frequency
* :func:`is_2d_matrix`: Check if a np.ndarray is a matrix
* :func:`is_2d_square_matrix`: Check if a np.ndarray is a two-dimensional square matrix
* :func:`is_vector`: Check if a np.ndarray is a vector
* :func:`make_semiposdef`: Make quadratic matrix positive semi-definite
* :func:`normalize_vector_or_matrix`: Scale an array of numbers to the interval between
  zero and one
* :func:`number_of_rows_equals_vector_dim`: Check if a matrix and a vector match in size
* :func:`plot_vectors_and_covariances_comparison`: Plot two vectors and their
  covariances side-by-side for visual comparison
* :func:`print_mat`: Print matrix (2D array) to the console or return as formatted
* :func:`print_vec`: Print vector (1D array) to the console or return as formatted
* :func:`progress_bar`: A simple and reusable progress-bar
* :func:`shift_uncertainty`: Shift the elements in the vector x and associated
  uncertainties ux
* :func:`trimOrPad`: trim or pad (with zeros) a vector to desired length
from typing import Any, Optional

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from scipy.sparse import eye, issparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack import eigs

__all__ = [

[docs]def shift_uncertainty(x: np.ndarray, ux: np.ndarray, shift: int): """Shift the elements in the vector x and associated uncertainties ux This function uses :func:`numpy.roll` to shift the elements in x and ux. See the linked official documentation for details. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray of shape (N,) vector of estimates ux : float, np.ndarray of shape (N,) or of shape (N,N) uncertainty associated with the vector of estimates shift : int amount of shift Returns ------- shifted_x : (N,) np.ndarray shifted vector of estimates shifted_ux : float, np.ndarray of shape (N,) or of shape (N,N) uncertainty associated with the shifted vector of estimates Raises ------ ValueError If shift, x or ux are of unexpected type, dimensions of x and ux do not fit or ux is of unexpected shape """ shifted_x = _shift_vector(vector=x, shift=shift) if isinstance(ux, float): return shifted_x, ux if isinstance(ux, np.ndarray): if is_vector(ux): return shifted_x, _shift_vector(vector=ux, shift=shift) elif is_2d_square_matrix(ux): shifted_ux = _shift_2d_matrix(ux, shift) return shifted_x, shifted_ux raise ValueError( "shift_uncertainty: input uncertainty ux is expected to be a vector or " f"two-dimensional, square matrix but is of shape {ux.shape}." ) raise ValueError( "shift_uncertainty: input uncertainty ux is expected to be a float or a " f"numpy.ndarray but is of type {type(ux)}." )
def _cast_shift_to_int(shift: Any) -> int: try: return int(shift) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "shift_uncertainty: shift is expected to be type int or at least " f"cast-able to int, but is {shift} of type {type(shift)}. Please provide " "a valid value." ) def _shift_vector(vector: np.ndarray, shift: int) -> np.ndarray: return np.roll(vector, shift) def _shift_2d_matrix(matrix: np.ndarray, shift: int) -> np.ndarray: return np.roll(matrix, (shift, shift), axis=(0, 1))
[docs]def trimOrPad(array, length, mode="constant"): """Trim or pad (with zeros) a vector to the desired length Parameters ---------- array : list, 1D np.ndarray original data length : int length of output mode : str, optional handed over to np.pad, default "constant" Returns ------- array_modified : np.ndarray of shape (length,) An array that is either trimmed or zero-padded to achieve the required `length`. Both actions are applied to the right side of the array """ if len(array) < length: # pad zeros to the right if too short return np.pad(array, (0, length - len(array)), mode=mode) else: # trim to given length otherwise return array[0:length]
[docs]def make_semiposdef( matrix: np.ndarray, maxiter: Optional[int] = 10, tol: Optional[float] = 1e-12, verbose: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Make quadratic matrix positive semi-definite by increasing its eigenvalues Parameters ---------- matrix : array_like of shape (N,N) the matrix to process maxiter : int, optional the maximum number of iterations for increasing the eigenvalues, defaults to 10 tol : float, optional tolerance for deciding if pos. semi-def., defaults to 1e-12 verbose : bool, optional If True print smallest eigenvalue of the resulting matrix, if False (default) be quiet Returns ------- (N,N) array_like quadratic positive semi-definite matrix Raises ------ ValueError If matrix is not square. """ n, m = matrix.shape if n != m: raise ValueError("Matrix has to be quadratic") # use specialised functions for sparse matrices if issparse(matrix): # enforce symmetric matrix matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T) # calculate smallest eigenvalue e = np.min(np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False))) count = 0 # increase the eigenvalues until matrix is positive semi-definite while e < tol and count < maxiter: matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * eye(n, format=matrix.format) e = np.min(np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False))) count += 1 e = np.min(np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False))) # same procedure for non-sparse matrices else: matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T) count = 0 e = np.min(np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix))) while e < tol and count < maxiter: e = np.min(np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix))) matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * np.eye(n) e = np.min(np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix))) if verbose: print("Final result of make_semiposdef: smallest eigenvalue is %e" % e) return matrix
[docs]def FreqResp2RealImag( Abs: np.ndarray, Phase: np.ndarray, Unc: np.ndarray, MCruns: Optional[int] = 1000 ): """Calculate real and imaginary parts from frequency response Calculate real and imaginary parts from amplitude and phase with associated uncertainties. Parameters ---------- Abs : (N,) array_like amplitude values Phase : (N,) array_like phase values in rad Unc : (2N, 2N) or (2N,) array_like uncertainties either as full covariance matrix or as its main diagonal MCruns : int, optional number of iterations for Monte Carlo simulation, defaults to 1000 Returns ------- Re, Im : (N,) array_like best estimate of real and imaginary parts URI : (2N, 2N) array_like uncertainties assoc. with Re and Im """ if len(Abs) != len(Phase) or 2 * len(Abs) != len(Unc): raise ValueError("\nLength of inputs are inconsistent.") if len(Unc.shape) == 1: Unc = np.diag(Unc) Nf = len(Abs) AbsPhas = np.random.multivariate_normal( np.hstack((Abs, Phase)), Unc, int(MCruns) ) # draw MC inputs H = AbsPhas[:, :Nf] * np.exp( 1j * AbsPhas[:, Nf:] ) # calculate complex frequency response values RI = np.hstack((np.real(H), np.imag(H))) # transform to real, imag Re = np.mean(RI[:, :Nf]) Im = np.mean(RI[:, Nf:]) URI = np.cov(RI, rowvar=False) return Re, Im, URI
[docs]def make_equidistant(*args, **kwargs): """ .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 Please use :func:`PyDynamic.uncertainty.interpolate.interp1d_unc` """ raise DeprecationWarning( "The method `` is moved " "to :mod:`PyDynamic.uncertainty.interpolate.make_equidistant` since the last " "major release 2.0.0. Please switch to the current module immediately and use " "the current function " ":func:`PyDynamic.uncertainty.interpolate.make_equidistant`. Please change " "'from import make_equidistant' to 'from " "PyDynamic.uncertainty.interpolate import make_equidistant'." )
[docs]def progress_bar( count, count_max, width: Optional[int] = 30, prefix: Optional[str] = "", done_indicator: Optional[str] = "#", todo_indicator: Optional[str] = ".", fout: Optional = None, ): """A simple and reusable progress-bar Parameters ---------- count : int current status of iterations, assumed to be zero-based count_max : int total number of iterations width : int, optional width of the actual progressbar (actual printed line will be wider), default to 30 prefix : str, optional some text that will be printed in front of the bar (i.e. "Progress of ABC:"), if not given only progressbar itself will be printed done_indicator : str, optional what character is used as "already-done"-indicator, defaults to "#" todo_indicator : str, optional what character is used as "not-done-yet"-indicator, defaults to "." fout : file-object, optional where the progress-bar should be written/printed to, defaults to direct print to stdout """ x = int(width * (count + 1) / count_max) progressString = "{PREFIX}[{DONE}{NOTDONE}] {COUNT}/{COUNTMAX}\r".format( PREFIX=prefix, DONE=x * done_indicator, NOTDONE=(width - x) * todo_indicator, COUNT=count + 1, COUNTMAX=count_max, ) if fout is not None: fout.write(progressString) else: print(progressString)
[docs]def is_vector(ndarray: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Check if a np.ndarray is a vector, i.e. is of shape (n,) Parameters ---------- ndarray : np.ndarray the array to check Returns ------- bool True, if the array expands over one dimension only, False otherwise """ return len(ndarray.shape) == 1
[docs]def is_2d_matrix(ndarray: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Check if a np.ndarray is a matrix, i.e. is of shape (n,m) Parameters ---------- ndarray : np.ndarray the array to check Returns ------- bool True, if the array expands over exactly two dimensions, False otherwise """ return len(ndarray.shape) == 2
[docs]def number_of_rows_equals_vector_dim(matrix: np.ndarray, vector: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Check if a matrix has the same number of rows as a vector Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray the matrix, that is supposed to have the same number of rows vector : np.ndarray the vector, that is supposed to have the same number of elements Returns ------- bool True, if the number of rows coincide, False otherwise """ return len(vector) == matrix.shape[0]
[docs]def plot_vectors_and_covariances_comparison( vector_1: np.ndarray, vector_2: np.ndarray, covariance_1: np.ndarray, covariance_2: np.ndarray, title: Optional[str] = "Comparison between two vectors and corresponding " "uncertainties", label_1: Optional[str] = "vector_1", label_2: Optional[str] = "vector_2", ): """Plot two vectors and their covariances side-by-side for visual comparison Parameters ---------- vector_1 : np.ndarray the first vector to compare vector_2 : np.ndarray the second vector to compare covariance_1 : np.ndarray the first covariance matrix to compare covariance_2 : np.ndarray the second covariance matrix to compare title : str, optional the title for the comparison plot, defaults to `"Comparison between two vectors and corresponding uncertainties"` label_1 : str, optional the label for the first vector in the legend and title for the first covariance plot, defaults to "vector_1" label_2 : str, optional the label for the second vector in the legend and title for the second covariance plot, defaults to "vector_2" """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2) fig.suptitle(title) ax[0][0].imshow(covariance_1) ax[0][0].set_title(label_1 + " uncertainties") ax[0][1].imshow(covariance_2) ax[0][1].set_title(label_2 + " uncertainties") ax[1][0].plot(vector_1, label=label_1) ax[1][0].plot(vector_2, label=label_2) ax[1][0].legend() ax[1][0].set_title(label_1 + " and " + label_2) ax[1][1].imshow(covariance_2 - covariance_1, norm=Normalize()) ax[1][1].set_title("Relative difference of uncertainties")
[docs]def is_2d_square_matrix(ndarray: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Check if a np.ndarray is a two-dimensional square matrix, i.e. is of shape (n,n) Parameters ---------- ndarray : np.ndarray the array to check Returns ------- bool True, if the array expands over exactly two dimensions of similar size, False otherwise """ return is_2d_matrix(ndarray) and ndarray.shape[0] == ndarray.shape[1]
[docs]def normalize_vector_or_matrix(numbers: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Scale an array of numbers to the interval between zero and one If all values in the array are the same, the output array will be constant zero. Parameters ---------- numbers : np.ndarray the :class:`numpy.ndarray` to normalize Returns ------- np.ndarray the normalized array """ minimum = translator = np.min(numbers) array_span = np.max(numbers) - minimum normalizer = array_span or 1.0 return (numbers - translator) / normalizer