Source code for PyDynamic.model_estimation.fit_filter

"""This module assists in carrying out least-squares IIR and FIR filter fits

It is possible to carry out a least-squares fit of digital, time-discrete IIR and FIR
filters to a given complex frequency response and the design of digital deconvolution
filters by least-squares fitting to the reciprocal of a given frequency response each
with propagation of associated uncertainties.

This module contains the following functions:

* :func:`LSIIR`: Least-squares (time-discrete) IIR filter fit to a given frequency
  response or its reciprocal optionally propagating uncertainties.
* :func:`LSFIR`: Least-squares (time-discrete) FIR filter fit to a given
  frequency response or its reciprocal optionally propagating uncertainties either
  via Monte Carlo or via a singular-value decomposition and linear matrix propagation.


__all__ = ["LSFIR", "LSIIR"]

import inspect
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as dsp
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

from ..misc.filterstuff import grpdelay, isstable, mapinside
from import (

[docs]def LSIIR( H: np.ndarray, Nb: int, Na: int, f: np.ndarray, Fs: float, tau: Optional[int] = 0, verbose: Optional[bool] = True, max_stab_iter: Optional[int] = 50, inv: Optional[bool] = False, UH: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, mc_runs: Optional[int] = 1000, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, Union[np.ndarray, None]]: """Least-squares (time-discrete) IIR filter fit to frequency response or reciprocal For fitting an IIR filter model to the reciprocal of the frequency response values or directly to the frequency response values provided by the user, this method uses a least-squares fit to determine an estimate of the filter coefficients. The filter then optionally is stabilized by pole mapping and introduction of a time delay. Associated uncertainties are optionally propagated when provided using the GUM S2 Monte Carlo method. Parameters ---------- H : array_like of shape (M,) (Complex) frequency response values. Nb : int Order of IIR numerator polynomial. Na : int Order of IIR denominator polynomial. f : array_like of shape (M,) Frequencies at which H is given. Fs : float Sampling frequency for digital IIR filter. tau : int, optional Initial estimate of time delay for obtaining a stable filter (default = 0). verbose : bool, optional If True (default) be more talkative on stdout. Otherwise no output is written anywhere. max_stab_iter : int, optional Maximum count of iterations for stabilizing the resulting filter. If no stabilization should be carried out, this parameter can be set to 0 (default = 50). This parameter replaced the previous `justFit` which was dropped in PyDynamic 2.0.0. inv : bool, optional If False (default) apply the fit to the frequency response values directly, otherwise fit to the reciprocal of the frequency response values. UH : array_like of shape (2M, 2M), optional Uncertainties associated with real and imaginary part of H. mc_runs : int, optional Number of Monte Carlo runs (default = 1000). Only used if uncertainties UH are provided. Returns ------- b : np.ndarray The IIR filter numerator coefficient vector in a 1-D sequence. a : np.ndarray The IIR filter denominator coefficient vector in a 1-D sequence. tau : int Filter time delay (in samples). Uab : np.ndarray of shape (Nb+Na+1, Nb+Na+1) Uncertainties associated with `[a[1:],b]`. Will be None if UH is not provided or is None. References ---------- * Eichstädt et al. 2010 [Eichst2010]_ * Vuerinckx et al. 1996 [Vuer1996]_ .. seealso:: :func:`PyDynamic.uncertainty.propagate_filter.IIRuncFilter` """ if _no_uncertainties_were_provided(UH): freq_resp_to_fit, mc_runs = H, 1 else: freq_resp_to_fit = real_imag_2_complex( _draw_multivariate_monte_carlo_samples(complex_2_real_imag(H), UH, mc_runs) ) if verbose: _print_iir_welcome_msg(H, Na, Nb, UH, inv, mc_runs) warn_unstable_msg = "CAUTION - The algorithm did NOT result in a stable IIR filter!" # Prepare frequencies, fitting and stabilization parameters. omega = _compute_radial_freqs_equals_two_pi_times_freqs_over_sampling_freq(Fs, f) Ns = np.arange(0, max(Nb, Na) + 1)[:, np.newaxis] E = np.exp(-1j *[:, np.newaxis], Ns.T)) as_and_bs = np.empty((mc_runs, Nb + Na + 1)) taus = np.empty((mc_runs,), dtype=int) tau_max = tau stab_iters = np.zeros((mc_runs,), dtype=int) if tau == 0 and max_stab_iter == 0: relevant_filters_mask = np.ones((mc_runs,), dtype=bool) else: relevant_filters_mask = np.zeros((mc_runs,), dtype=bool) for mc_run in range(mc_runs): b_i, a_i = _compute_actual_iir_least_squares_fit( freq_resp_to_fit, tau, omega, E, Na, Nb, inv ) current_stabilization_iteration_counter = 1 if isstable(b_i, a_i, "digital"): relevant_filters_mask[mc_run] = True taus[mc_run] = tau else: # If the filter by now is unstable we already tried once to stabilize with # initial estimate of time delay and we should iterate at least once. So now # we try with previously required maximum time delay to obtain stability. if tau_max > tau: b_i, a_i = _compute_actual_iir_least_squares_fit( freq_resp_to_fit, tau_max, omega, E, Na, Nb, inv ) current_stabilization_iteration_counter += 1 if isstable(b_i, a_i, "digital"): relevant_filters_mask[mc_run] = True # Set the either needed delay for reaching stability or the initial # delay to start iterations. taus[mc_run] = tau_max while ( not relevant_filters_mask[mc_run] and current_stabilization_iteration_counter < max_stab_iter ): ( b_i, a_i, taus[mc_run], relevant_filters_mask[mc_run], ) = _compute_stabilized_filter_through_time_delay_iteration( b_i, a_i, taus[mc_run], omega, E, freq_resp_to_fit, Nb, Na, Fs, inv ) current_stabilization_iteration_counter += 1 else: if taus[mc_run] > tau_max: tau_max = taus[mc_run] if verbose: sos = np.sum( np.abs((dsp.freqz(b_i, a_i, omega)[1] - freq_resp_to_fit) ** 2) ) print( f"LSIIR: Fitting{'' if UH is None else f' for MC run {mc_run}'}" f" finished. Conducted " f"{current_stabilization_iteration_counter} attempts to " f"stabilize filter. " f"{'' if relevant_filters_mask[mc_run] else warn_unstable_msg} " f"Final sum of squares = {sos}" ) # Finally store stacked filter parameters. as_and_bs[mc_run, :] = np.hstack((a_i[1:], b_i)) stab_iters[mc_run] = current_stabilization_iteration_counter # If we actually ran Monte Carlo simulation we compute the resulting filter. if mc_runs > 1: # If we did not find any stable filter, calculate the final result from all # filters. if not np.any(relevant_filters_mask): relevant_filters_mask = np.ones_like(relevant_filters_mask) b_res = np.mean(as_and_bs[relevant_filters_mask, Na:], axis=0) a_res = np.hstack( (np.array([1.0]), np.mean(as_and_bs[relevant_filters_mask, :Na], axis=0)) ) stab_iter_mean = np.mean(stab_iters[relevant_filters_mask]) final_stabilization_iteration_counter = 1 # Determine if the resulting filter already is stable and if not stabilize with # an initial delay of the previous maximum delay. if not isstable(b_res, a_res, "digital"): final_tau = tau_max b_res, a_res = _compute_actual_iir_least_squares_fit( freq_resp_to_fit, final_tau, omega, E, Na, Nb, inv ) final_stabilization_iteration_counter += 1 final_stable = isstable(b_res, a_res, "digital") while ( not final_stable and final_stabilization_iteration_counter < max_stab_iter ): # Compute appropriate time delay for the stabilization of the resulting # filter. ( b_res, a_res, final_tau, final_stable, ) = _compute_stabilized_filter_through_time_delay_iteration( b_res, a_res, final_tau, omega, E, freq_resp_to_fit, Nb, Na, Fs, inv ) final_stabilization_iteration_counter += 1 else: # If we did not conduct Monte Carlo simulation, we just gather final results. b_res = b_i a_res = a_i stab_iter_mean = ( final_stabilization_iteration_counter ) = current_stabilization_iteration_counter final_stable = relevant_filters_mask[0] final_tau = taus[0] if verbose: if not final_stable: final_stabilization_msg = ( f"and with {final_stabilization_iteration_counter} for the final " f"filter " if final_stabilization_iteration_counter != stab_iter_mean else "" ) print( f"LSIIR: {warn_unstable_msg} Maybe try again with a higher value of " f"tau or a higher filter order? Least squares fit finished after " f"{stab_iter_mean} stabilization iterations " f"{f'on average ' if mc_runs > 1 else ''}{final_stabilization_msg}" f"(final tau = {final_tau})." ) Hd = _compute_delayed_filters_freq_resp_via_scipys_freqz( b_res, a_res, tau, omega ) residuals_real_imag = complex_2_real_imag(Hd - freq_resp_to_fit) _compute_and_print_rms(residuals_real_imag) if UH: Uab = np.cov(as_and_bs, rowvar=False) return b_res, a_res, final_tau, Uab return b_res, a_res, final_tau, None
def _print_iir_welcome_msg( H: np.ndarray, Na: int, Nb: int, UH: np.ndarray, inv: bool, mc_runs: int ): monte_carlo_message = ( f" Uncertainties of the filter coefficients are " f"evaluated using the GUM S2 Monte Carlo method " f"with {mc_runs} runs." ) print( f"LSIIR: Least-squares fit of an order {max(Nb, Na)} digital IIR filter to" f"{' the reciprocal of' if inv else ''} a frequency response " f"given by {len(H)} values.{monte_carlo_message if UH else ''}" ) def _compute_radial_freqs_equals_two_pi_times_freqs_over_sampling_freq( sampling_freq: float, freqs: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: return 2 * np.pi * freqs / sampling_freq def _compute_actual_iir_least_squares_fit( H: np.ndarray, tau: int, omega: np.ndarray, E: np.ndarray, Na: int, Nb: int, inv: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: if inv and np.all(H == 0): raise ValueError( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: It is not possible to compute the " f"reciprocal of zero but the provided frequency response" f"{'s are constant ' if len(H) > 1 else 'is '} zero. Please " f"provide other frequency responses Hvals." ) Ea = E[:, 1 : Na + 1] Eb = E[:, : Nb + 1] e_to_the_minus_one_j_omega_tau = _compute_e_to_the_one_j_omega_tau(-omega, tau) delayed_freq_resp_or_recipr = e_to_the_minus_one_j_omega_tau * ( np.reciprocal(H) if inv else H ) HEa =, Ea) D = np.hstack((HEa, -Eb)) Tmp1 = np.real(, D)) Tmp2 = np.real(, -delayed_freq_resp_or_recipr)) ab = _fit_filter_coeffs_via_least_squares(Tmp1, Tmp2) a = np.hstack((1.0, ab[:Na])) b = ab[Na:] return b, a def _compute_stabilized_filter_through_time_delay_iteration( b: np.ndarray, a: np.ndarray, tau: int, w: np.ndarray, E: np.ndarray, H: np.ndarray, Nb: int, Na: int, Fs: float, inv: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float, bool]: tau += _compute_filter_stabilization_time_delay(b, a, Fs) b, a = _compute_one_filter_stabilization_iteration_through_time_delay( H, tau, w, E, Nb, Na, inv ) return b, a, tau, isstable(b, a, "digital") def _compute_filter_stabilization_time_delay( b: np.ndarray, a: np.ndarray, Fs: float, ) -> int: a_stabilized = mapinside(a) g_1 = grpdelay(b, a, Fs)[0] g_2 = grpdelay(b, a_stabilized, Fs)[0] return np.ceil(np.median(g_2 - g_1)) def _compute_one_filter_stabilization_iteration_through_time_delay( H: np.ndarray, tau: int, w: np.ndarray, E: np.ndarray, Nb: int, Na: int, inv: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: return _compute_actual_iir_least_squares_fit(H, tau, w, E, Na, Nb, inv) def _compute_delayed_filters_freq_resp_via_scipys_freqz( b: np.ndarray, a: Union[float, np.ndarray], tau: int, omega: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: filters_freq_resp = dsp.freqz(b, a, omega)[1] delayed_filters_freq_resp = filters_freq_resp * _compute_e_to_the_one_j_omega_tau( omega, tau ) return delayed_filters_freq_resp def _compute_x( filter_order: int, freqs: np.ndarray, sampling_freq: float, weights: np.ndarray, ): e = np.exp( -1j * 2 * np.pi * freqs[:, np.newaxis] / sampling_freq, np.arange(filter_order + 1)[:, np.newaxis].T, ) ) x = np.vstack((np.real(e), np.imag(e))) x =, x) return x def _compute_and_print_rms(residuals_real_imag: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(residuals_real_imag ** 2) / (len(residuals_real_imag) // 2)) print( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: Calculation of filter coefficients finished. " f"Final rms error = {rms}" ) return rms def invLSIIR(H, Nb, Na, f, Fs, tau, justFit=False, verbose=True): """Least-squares IIR filter fit to the reciprocal of given frequency response values This essentially is a wrapper for a call of :func:`LSIIR` with the according parameter set. """ if justFit: return LSIIR(H, Nb, Na, f, Fs, tau, verbose, 0, True) return LSIIR(H, Nb, Na, f, Fs, tau, verbose, 50, True) def invLSIIR_unc( H: np.ndarray, UH: np.ndarray, Nb: int, Na: int, f: np.ndarray, Fs: float, tau: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """Stable IIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency response with uncertainty This essentially is a wrapper for a call of :func:`LSIIR` with the according parameter set. """ print( f"invLSIIR_unc: Least-squares fit of an order {max(Nb, Na)} digital IIR " f"filter to the reciprocal of a frequency response given by {len(H)} " f"values. Uncertainties of the filter coefficients are evaluated using " "the GUM S2 Monte Carlo method with 1000 runs." ) return LSIIR(H, Nb, Na, f, Fs, tau, False, 50, True, UH, 1000)
[docs]def LSFIR( H: np.ndarray, N: int, f: np.ndarray, Fs: float, tau: int, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, verbose: Optional[bool] = True, inv: Optional[bool] = False, UH: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, mc_runs: Optional[int] = None, trunc_svd_tol: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Design of FIR filter as fit to freq. resp. or its reciprocal with uncertainties Least-squares fit of a (time-discrete) digital FIR filter to the reciprocal of the frequency response values or actual frequency response values for which associated uncertainties are given for its real and imaginary part. Uncertainties are propagated either using a Monte Carlo method if mc_runs is provided as integer greater than one or otherwise using a truncated singular-value decomposition and linear matrix propagation. The Monte Carlo approach may help in cases where the weighting matrix or the Jacobian are ill-conditioned, resulting in false uncertainties associated with the filter coefficients. .. note:: Uncertainty propagation via singular-value decomposition is not yet implemented, when fitting to the actual frequency response and not its reciprocal. Alternatively specify the number mc_runs of runs to propagate the uncertainties via the Monte Carlo method. Parameters ---------- H : array_like of shape (M,) or (2M,) (Complex) frequency response values in dtype complex or as a vector containing the real parts in the first half followed by the imaginary parts N : int FIR filter order f : array_like of shape (M,) frequencies at which H is given Fs : float sampling frequency of digital FIR filter tau : int time delay in samples for improved fitting weights : array_like of shape (2M,), optional vector of weights for a weighted least-squares method (default results in no weighting) verbose: bool, optional If True (default) verbose output is printed to the command line inv : bool, optional If False (default) apply the fit to the frequency response values directly, otherwise fit to the reciprocal of the frequency response values UH : array_like of shape (2M,2M), optional uncertainties associated with the real and imaginary part of H mc_runs : int, optional Number of Monte Carlo runs greater than one. Only used, if uncertainties associated with the real and imaginary part of H are provided. Only one of mc_runs and trunc_svd_tol can be provided. trunc_svd_tol : float, optional Lower bound for singular values to be considered for pseudo-inverse. Values smaller than this threshold are considered zero. Defaults to zero. Only one of mc_runs and trunc_svd_tol can be provided. Returns ------- b : array_like of shape (N+1,) The FIR filter coefficient vector in a 1-D sequence Ub : array_like of shape (N+1,N+1) Uncertainties associated with b. Will be None if UH is not provided or is None. Raises ------ NotImplementedError The least-squares fitting of a digital FIR filter to a frequency response H with propagation of associated uncertainties using a truncated singular-value decomposition and linear matrix propagation is not yet implemented. Alternatively specify the number mc_runs of runs to propagate the uncertainties via the Monte Carlo method. References ---------- * Elster and Link [Elster2008]_ .. seealso:: :func:`PyDynamic.uncertainty.propagate_filter.FIRuncFilter` """ ( freq_resps_real_imag, freqs, mc_runs, propagation_method, sampling_freq, weights, ) = _validate_and_prepare_fir_inputs( Fs, H, UH, f, inv, mc_runs, trunc_svd_tol, weights ) if verbose: _print_fir_welcome_msg(H, N, inv, mc_runs, propagation_method, trunc_svd_tol) omega, delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr, x = _prepare_common_fitting_inputs( N, freq_resps_real_imag, freqs, inv, sampling_freq, tau, weights ) if propagation_method == _PropagationMethod.NONE: b_fir = _fit_filter_coeffs_via_least_squares( x, delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr ) Ub_fir = None else: mc_freq_resps_real_imag = _draw_multivariate_monte_carlo_samples( vector=freq_resps_real_imag, covariance_matrix=UH, mc_runs=mc_runs ) if propagation_method == _PropagationMethod.MC: b_fir, Ub_fir = _fit_fir_filter_with_uncertainty_propagation_via_mc( inv, mc_freq_resps_real_imag, omega, tau, x ) else: b_fir, Ub_fir = _fit_fir_filter_with_uncertainty_propagation_via_svd( mc_freq_resps_real_imag, mc_runs, omega, delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr, tau, trunc_svd_tol, x, ) if verbose: _print_fir_result_msg(b_fir, freq_resps_real_imag, inv, omega, tau) return b_fir, Ub_fir
class _PropagationMethod(Enum): NONE = 0 MC = 1 SVD = 2 def _validate_and_prepare_fir_inputs( sampling_freq: float, H: np.ndarray, UH: np.ndarray, freqs: np.ndarray, inv: bool, mc_runs: int, trunc_svd_tol: float, weights: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, _PropagationMethod, float, np.ndarray]: n_freqs = len(freqs) two_n_freqs = 2 * n_freqs sampling_freq = sampling_freq weights = _validate_and_return_weights(weights, expected_len=two_n_freqs) freq_resps_real_imag = _validate_and_assemble_freq_resps( H, expected_len_when_complex=n_freqs, expected_len_when_real_imag=two_n_freqs, ) _validate_uncertainties(vector=freq_resps_real_imag, covariance_matrix=UH) _validate_fir_uncertainty_propagation_method_related_inputs( UH, inv, mc_runs, trunc_svd_tol ) propagation_method, mc_runs = _determine_fir_propagation_method(UH, mc_runs) return ( freq_resps_real_imag, freqs, mc_runs, propagation_method, sampling_freq, weights, ) def _validate_and_return_weights(weights: np.ndarray, expected_len: int) -> np.ndarray: if weights is not None: if not isinstance(weights, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: User-defined weighting has wrong " "type. wt is expected to be a NumPy ndarray but is of type " f"{type(weights)}.", ) if len(weights) != expected_len: raise ValueError( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: User-defined weighting has wrong " "dimension. wt is expected to be of length " f"{expected_len} but is of length {len(weights)}." ) return weights return np.ones(expected_len) def _get_first_public_caller() -> str: for caller in inspect.stack(): if "PyDynamic" in caller.filename and caller.function[0] != "_": return caller.function return inspect.stack()[1].function def _validate_and_assemble_freq_resps( H: np.ndarray, expected_len_when_complex: int, expected_len_when_real_imag: int, ) -> np.ndarray: if _is_dtype_complex(H): _validate_length_of_h(H, expected_length=expected_len_when_complex) return complex_2_real_imag(H) _validate_length_of_h(H, expected_length=expected_len_when_real_imag) return H def _is_dtype_complex(array: np.ndarray) -> bool: return array.dtype == np.complexfloating def _validate_length_of_h(H: np.ndarray, expected_length: int): if not len(H) == expected_length: raise ValueError( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: vector of complex frequency responses " f"is expected to contain {expected_length} elements, corresponding to the " f"number of frequencies, but actually contains {len(H)} " f"elements. Please adjust either of the two inputs." ) def _validate_uncertainties(vector: np.ndarray, covariance_matrix: np.ndarray): if not _no_uncertainties_were_provided(covariance_matrix): _validate_vector_and_corresponding_uncertainties_dims( vector=vector, covariance_matrix=covariance_matrix ) def _no_uncertainties_were_provided(covariance_matrix: Union[np.ndarray, None]) -> bool: return covariance_matrix is None def _validate_vector_and_corresponding_uncertainties_dims( vector: np.ndarray, covariance_matrix: Union[np.ndarray] ): if not isinstance(covariance_matrix, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: if uncertainties are provided, " f"they are expected to be of type np.ndarray, but uncertainties are of type" f" {type(covariance_matrix)}." ) if not number_of_rows_equals_vector_dim(matrix=covariance_matrix, vector=vector): raise ValueError( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: number of rows of uncertainties and " f"number of elements of values are expected to match. But {len(vector)} " f"values and {covariance_matrix.shape} uncertainties were provided. Please " f"adjust either the values or their corresponding uncertainties." ) if not is_2d_square_matrix(covariance_matrix): raise ValueError( f"{_get_first_public_caller()}: uncertainties are expected to be " f"provided in a square matrix shape but are of shape " f"{covariance_matrix.shape}." ) def _validate_fir_uncertainty_propagation_method_related_inputs( covariance_matrix: Union[np.ndarray, None], inv: bool, mc_runs: Union[int, None], trunc_svd_tol: Union[float, None], ): def _are_we_supposed_to_apply_method_on_freq_resp_directly() -> bool: return not inv def _both_propagation_methods_simultaneously_requested() -> bool: return _input_for_svd_was_provided( trunc_svd_tol ) and _number_of_monte_carlo_runs_was_provided(mc_runs) def _are_we_supposed_to_fit_freq_resp_with_svd_propagation() -> bool: return ( _input_for_svd_was_provided(trunc_svd_tol) or not _number_of_monte_carlo_runs_was_provided(mc_runs) ) and _are_we_supposed_to_apply_method_on_freq_resp_directly() def _number_of_mc_runs_too_small(): return mc_runs == 1 if _no_uncertainties_were_provided(covariance_matrix): if _number_of_monte_carlo_runs_was_provided(mc_runs): raise ValueError( f"\n{_get_first_public_caller()}: The least-squares fitting of a " f"digital FIR filter " "to a frequency response H with propagation of associated " f"uncertainties via the Monte Carlo method requires that uncertainties " f"are provided via input parameter UH. No uncertainties were given " f"but number of Monte Carlo runs set to {mc_runs}. Either remove " f"mc_runs or provide uncertainties." ) if _input_for_svd_was_provided(trunc_svd_tol): raise ValueError( f"\n{_get_first_public_caller()}: The least-squares fitting of a " f"digital FIR filter " "to a frequency response H with propagation of associated " "uncertainties via a truncated singular-value decomposition and linear " "matrix propagation requires that uncertainties are provided via " "input parameter UH. No uncertainties were given but lower bound for " f"singular values trunc_svd_tol={trunc_svd_tol}. Either remove " "trunc_svd_tol or provide uncertainties." ) elif _both_propagation_methods_simultaneously_requested(): raise ValueError( f"\n{_get_first_public_caller()}: Only one of mc_runs and trunc_svd_tol " f"can be " f"provided but mc_runs={mc_runs} and trunc_svd_tol={trunc_svd_tol}." ) elif _are_we_supposed_to_fit_freq_resp_with_svd_propagation(): raise NotImplementedError( f"\n{_get_first_public_caller()}: The least-squares fitting of a digital " f"FIR filter to a frequency response H with propagation of associated " f"uncertainties using a truncated singular-value decomposition and linear " f"matrix propagation is not yet implemented. Alternatively specify " f"the number mc_runs of runs to propagate the uncertainties via the " f"Monte Carlo method." ) elif _number_of_mc_runs_too_small(): raise ValueError( f"\n{_get_first_public_caller()}: Number of Monte Carlo runs is expected " f"to be greater than 1 but mc_runs={mc_runs}. Please provide a greater " f"number of runs or switch to propagation of uncertainties " f"via singular-value decomposition by leaving out mc_runs." ) def _number_of_monte_carlo_runs_was_provided(mc_runs: Union[int, None]) -> bool: return bool(mc_runs) def _input_for_svd_was_provided(trunc_svd_tol: Union[float, None]) -> bool: return trunc_svd_tol is not None def _determine_fir_propagation_method( covariance_matrix: Union[np.ndarray, None], mc_runs: Union[int, None], ) -> Tuple[_PropagationMethod, Union[int, None]]: if _no_uncertainties_were_provided(covariance_matrix): return _PropagationMethod.NONE, None if _number_of_monte_carlo_runs_was_provided(mc_runs): return _PropagationMethod.MC, mc_runs return _PropagationMethod.SVD, 10000 def _print_fir_welcome_msg( freq_resp_in_provided_shape, filter_order, inv, mc_runs, propagation_method, trunc_svd_tol, ): if propagation_method != _PropagationMethod.NONE: if propagation_method == _PropagationMethod.MC: method_specific_propagation_msg = f"Monte Carlo method with {mc_runs} runs" else: method_specific_propagation_msg = ( f"truncated singular-value decomposition and linear matrix " f"propagation with {trunc_svd_tol} as lower bound for the singular " f"values to be considered for the pseudo-inverse" ) propagation_msg = ( ". The frequency response's associated uncertainties are propagated " "via a " + method_specific_propagation_msg ) else: propagation_msg = " without propagation of associated uncertainties" print( f"\nLSFIR: Least-squares fit of an order {filter_order} digital FIR " f"filter to{' the reciprocal of' if inv else ''} a frequency response given by " f"{len(freq_resp_in_provided_shape)} values{propagation_msg}." ) def _prepare_common_fitting_inputs( filter_order: int, freq_resps_real_imag: np.ndarray, freqs: np.ndarray, inv: bool, sampling_freq: float, tau: int, weights: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: x = _compute_x(filter_order, freqs, sampling_freq, weights) omega = _compute_radial_freqs_equals_two_pi_times_freqs_over_sampling_freq( sampling_freq, freqs ) complex_freq_resp = real_imag_2_complex(freq_resps_real_imag) delayed_complex_freq_resp = complex_freq_resp * _compute_e_to_the_one_j_omega_tau( omega, tau ) delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr = ( _assemble_delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr(delayed_complex_freq_resp, inv) ) return omega, delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr, x def _compute_e_to_the_one_j_omega_tau(omega: np.ndarray, tau: int) -> np.ndarray: return np.exp(1j * omega * tau) def _assemble_delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr( delayed_complex_freq_resp: np.ndarray, inv: bool ) -> np.ndarray: return complex_2_real_imag( np.reciprocal(delayed_complex_freq_resp) if inv else delayed_complex_freq_resp ) def _fit_filter_coeffs_via_least_squares( x: np.ndarray, delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: return np.linalg.lstsq(x, delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr, rcond=None)[0] def _draw_multivariate_monte_carlo_samples( vector: np.ndarray, covariance_matrix: np.ndarray, mc_runs: int ) -> np.ndarray: return multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=vector, cov=covariance_matrix, size=mc_runs) def _fit_fir_filter_with_uncertainty_propagation_via_mc( inv: bool, mc_freq_resps_real_imag: np.ndarray, omega: np.ndarray, tau: int, x: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: mc_delayed_freq_resps_or_recipr_real_imag = ( _compute_mc_delayed_freq_resps_or_reciprs_real_imag( inv, mc_freq_resps_real_imag, omega, tau ) ) return _conduct_fir_uncertainty_propagation_via_mc( mc_delayed_freq_resps_or_recipr_real_imag, x ) def _compute_mc_delayed_freq_resps_or_reciprs_real_imag( inv: bool, mc_freq_resps_real_imag: np.ndarray, omega: np.ndarray, tau: int ) -> np.ndarray: mc_complex_freq_resps = real_imag_2_complex(mc_freq_resps_real_imag) mc_delayed_complex_freq_resps = ( mc_complex_freq_resps * _compute_e_to_the_one_j_omega_tau(omega, tau) ) return _assemble_delayed_freq_resp_real_imag_or_recipr( mc_delayed_complex_freq_resps, inv ) def _conduct_fir_uncertainty_propagation_via_mc( mc_freq_resps_real_imag: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: mc_b_firs = np.array( [ _fit_filter_coeffs_via_least_squares(x, mc_freq_resp) for mc_freq_resp in mc_freq_resps_real_imag ] ).T b_fir = np.mean(mc_b_firs, axis=1) Ub_fir = np.cov(mc_b_firs, rowvar=True) return b_fir, Ub_fir def _fit_fir_filter_with_uncertainty_propagation_via_svd( mc_freq_resps_real_imag: np.ndarray, mc_runs: int, omega: np.ndarray, preprocessed_freq_resp: np.ndarray, tau: int, trunc_svd_tol: float, x: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: mc_freq_resps_real, mc_freq_resps_imag = separate_real_imag_of_mc_samples( mc_freq_resps_real_imag ) recipr_of_sqr_abs_of_mc_freq_resps = np.reciprocal( mc_freq_resps_real ** 2 + mc_freq_resps_imag ** 2 ) omega_tau = omega * tau cos_omega_tau = np.tile(np.cos(omega_tau), (mc_runs, 1)) sin_omega_tau = np.tile(np.sin(omega_tau), (mc_runs, 1)) UiH = np.cov( np.hstack( ( ( mc_freq_resps_real * cos_omega_tau + mc_freq_resps_imag * sin_omega_tau ) * recipr_of_sqr_abs_of_mc_freq_resps, ( mc_freq_resps_imag * cos_omega_tau - mc_freq_resps_real * sin_omega_tau ) * recipr_of_sqr_abs_of_mc_freq_resps, ) ), rowvar=False, ) u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=False) if _input_for_svd_was_provided(trunc_svd_tol): s[s < trunc_svd_tol] = 0.0 StSInv = np.zeros_like(s) StSInv[s > 0] = s[s > 0] ** (-2) M =, np.diag(StSInv)), np.diag(s)), u.T) b_fir =, preprocessed_freq_resp[:, np.newaxis]).flatten() Ub_fir =, UiH), M.T) return b_fir, Ub_fir def _print_fir_result_msg( b_fir: np.ndarray, freq_resps_real_imag: np.ndarray, inv: bool, omega: np.ndarray, tau: int, ): complex_h = real_imag_2_complex(freq_resps_real_imag) original_values = np.reciprocal(complex_h) if inv else complex_h delayed_filters_freq_resp = _compute_delayed_filters_freq_resp_via_scipys_freqz( b_fir, 1.0, tau, omega ) complex_residuals = delayed_filters_freq_resp - original_values residuals_real_imag = complex_2_real_imag(complex_residuals) _compute_and_print_rms(residuals_real_imag) def invLSFIR( H: np.ndarray, N: int, tau: int, f: np.ndarray, Fs: float, Wt: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Least-squares (time-discrete) digital FIR filter fit to freq. resp. reciprocal This essentially is a wrapper for a call of :func:`LSFIR` with the according parameter set. """ print( f"invLSFIR: Least-squares fit of an order {N} digital FIR filter to the " f"reciprocal of a frequency response H given by {len(H)} values.\n" ) return LSFIR(H=H, N=N, f=f, Fs=Fs, tau=tau, weights=Wt, verbose=False, inv=True)[0] def invLSFIR_unc( H: np.ndarray, UH: np.ndarray, N: int, tau: int, f: np.ndarray, Fs: float, wt: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, verbose: Optional[bool] = True, trunc_svd_tol: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Design of FIR filter as fit to the reciprocal of a freq. resp. with uncertainties This essentially is a wrapper for a call of :func:`LSFIR` with the according parameter set. """ return LSFIR(H, N, f, Fs, tau, wt, verbose, True, UH, trunc_svd_tol=trunc_svd_tol) def invLSFIR_uncMC( H: np.ndarray, UH: np.ndarray, N: int, tau: int, f: np.ndarray, Fs: float, verbose: Optional[bool] = True, mc_runs: Optional[int] = 10000, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Design of FIR filter as fit to the reciprocal of a freq. resp. with uncertainties This essentially is a wrapper for a call of :func:`LSFIR` with the according parameter set. """ return LSFIR(H, N, f, Fs, tau, verbose=verbose, inv=True, UH=UH, mc_runs=mc_runs)