Source code for PyDynamic.uncertainty.propagate_filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains functions for the propagation of uncertainties through
the application of a digital filter using the GUM approach.

This modules contains the following functions:

* :func:`FIRuncFilter`: Uncertainty propagation for signal y and uncertain FIR
  filter theta
* :func:`IIRuncFilter`: Uncertainty propagation for the signal x and the uncertain
  IIR filter (b,a)

.. note:: The Elster-Link paper for FIR filters assumes that the autocovariance
          is known and that noise is stationary!


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
from scipy.signal import lfilter, lfilter_zi, dimpulse, tf2ss
from scipy.signal import convolve
from import trimOrPad

__all__ = ["FIRuncFilter", "IIRuncFilter"]

def _fir_filter(x, theta, Ux=None, Utheta=None, initial_conditions="constant"):
    """Uncertainty propagation for signal x with covariance Ux
       and uncertain FIR filter theta with covariance Utheta.

       If either Ux or Utheta are omitted (None), then corresponding terms are not
       calculated to reduce computation time.

    x : np.ndarray
        filter input signal
    theta : np.ndarray
        FIR filter coefficients
    Ux : np.ndarray, optional
        covariance matrix associated with x
        if the signal is fully certain, use `Ux = None` (default) to make use of more efficient calculations.
    Utheta : np.ndarray, optional
        covariance matrix associated with theta
        if the filter is fully certain, use `Utheta = None` (default) to make use of more efficient calculations.
        see also the comparison given in <examples\Digital filtering\>
    initial_conditions : str, optional
        constant: assume signal + uncertainty are constant before t=0 (default)
        zero: assume signal + uncertainty are zero before t=0

    y : np.ndarray
        FIR filter output signal
    Uy : np.ndarray
        covariance matrix of filter output y

    * Elster and Link 2008 [Elster2008]_

    .. seealso:: :mod:`PyDynamic.model_estimation.fit_filter`


    # Note to future developers:
    # The functions _fir_filter and _fir_filter_diag share
    # the same logic. If adjustments become necessary (e.g.
    # due to bug fixing) please also consider adjusting it
    # in the other function as well.

    Ntheta = len(theta)  # FIR filter size

    if initial_conditions == "constant":
        x0 = x[0]

    # Note: currently only used in testing for comparison against Monte Carlo method
    elif initial_conditions == "zero":
        x0 = 0.0

        raise ValueError(
            f"_fit_filter: You provided 'initial_conditions' = '{initial_conditions}'."
            f"However, only 'zero' or 'constant' are currently supported."

    # propagate filter
    y, _ = lfilter(theta, 1.0, x, zi=x0 * lfilter_zi(theta, 1.0))

    # propagate uncertainty
    Uy = np.zeros((len(x), len(x)))

    ## only calculate subterms, that are non-zero (compare eq. 34 of paper)
    if Ux is not None:
        ## extend covariance Ntheta steps into the past
        if initial_conditions == "constant":
            Ux_extended = _stationary_prepend_covariance(Ux, Ntheta - 1)

        elif initial_conditions == "zero":
            # extend covariance Ntheta steps into the past
            Ux_extended = np.pad(
                ((Ntheta - 1, 0), (Ntheta - 1, 0)),

        # calc subterm theta^T * Ux * theta
        Uy += convolve(np.outer(theta, theta), Ux_extended, mode="valid")

    if Utheta is not None:
        ## extend signal Ntheta steps into the past
        x_extended = np.r_[np.full((Ntheta - 1), x0), x]

        # calc subterm x^T * Utheta * x
        Uy += convolve(np.outer(x_extended, x_extended), Utheta, mode="valid")

    if (Ux is not None) and (Utheta is not None):
        # calc subterm Tr(Ux * Utheta)
        Uy += convolve(Ux_extended, Utheta.T, mode="valid")

    return y, Uy

def _fir_filter_diag(
    x, theta, Ux_diag=None, Utheta_diag=None, initial_conditions="constant"
    """Uncertainty propagation for signal x with covariance diagonal Ux_diag
       and uncertain FIR filter theta with covariance diagonal Utheta_diag.

       If either Ux_diag or Utheta_diag are omitted (None), then corresponding terms are not
       calculated to reduce computation time.

    x : np.ndarray
        filter input signal
    theta : np.ndarray
        FIR filter coefficients
    Ux_diag : np.ndarray, optional
        diagonal of covariance matrix ([ux11^2, ux22^2, ..., uxnn^2])
        if the signal is fully certain, use `Ux_diag = None` (default) to make use of more efficient calculations.
    Utheta_diag : np.ndarray, optional
        diagonal of covariance matrix ([ut11^2, ut22^2, ..., utnn^2])
        if the filter is fully certain, use `Utheta_diag = None` (default) to make use of more efficient calculations.
        see also the comparison given in <examples\Digital filtering\>
    initial_conditions : str, optional
        constant: assume signal + uncertainty are constant before t=0 (default)
        zero: assume signal + uncertainty are zero before t=0

    y : np.ndarray
        FIR filter output signal
    Uy_diag : np.ndarray
        diagonal of covariance matrix of filter output y

    * Elster and Link 2008 [Elster2008]_

    .. seealso:: :mod:`PyDynamic.model_estimation.fit_filter`


    # Note to future developers:
    # The functions _fir_filter and _fir_filter_diag share
    # the same logic. If adjustments become necessary (e.g.
    # due to bug fixing) please also consider adjusting it
    # in the other function as well.

    Ntheta = len(theta)  # FIR filter size

    if initial_conditions == "constant":
        x0 = x[0]

    # Note: currently only used in testing for comparison against Monte Carlo method
    elif initial_conditions == "zero":
        x0 = 0.0

        raise ValueError(
            f"_fit_filter: You provided 'initial_conditions' = '{initial_conditions}'."
            f"However, only 'zero' or 'constant' are currently supported."

    # propagate filter
    y, _ = lfilter(theta, 1.0, x, zi=x0 * lfilter_zi(theta, 1.0))

    # propagate uncertainty
    Uy_diag = np.zeros(len(x))

    ## only calculate subterms, that are non-zero (compare eq. 34 of paper)
    if Ux_diag is not None:
        ## extend covariance Ntheta steps into the past
        if initial_conditions == "constant":
            Ux0 = Ux_diag[0]
        elif initial_conditions == "zero":
            Ux0 = 0.0
        Ux_diag_extended = np.r_[np.full((Ntheta - 1), Ux0), Ux_diag]

        # calc subterm theta^T * Ux * theta
        Uy_diag += convolve(np.square(theta), Ux_diag_extended, mode="valid")

    if Utheta_diag is not None:
        ## extend signal Ntheta steps into the past
        x_extended = np.r_[np.full((Ntheta - 1), x0), x]

        # calc subterm x^T * Utheta * x
        Uy_diag += convolve(np.square(x_extended), Utheta_diag, mode="valid")

    if (Ux_diag is not None) and (Utheta_diag is not None):
        # calc subterm Tr(Ux * Utheta)
        Uy_diag += convolve(Ux_diag_extended, Utheta_diag, mode="valid")

    return y, Uy_diag

def _stationary_prepend_covariance(U, n):
    """ Prepend covariance matrix U by n steps into the past"""

    c = np.r_[U[:, 0], np.zeros(n)]
    r = np.r_[U[0, :], np.zeros(n)]

    U_adjusted = toeplitz(c, r)
    U_adjusted[n:, n:] = U

    return U_adjusted

[docs]def FIRuncFilter( y, sigma_noise, theta, Utheta=None, shift=0, blow=None, kind="corr", return_full_covariance=False, ): """Uncertainty propagation for signal y and uncertain FIR filter theta A preceding FIR low-pass filter with coefficients `blow` can be provided optionally. This method keeps the signature of `PyDynamic.uncertainty.FIRuncFilter`, but internally works differently and can return a full covariance matrix. Also, sigma_noise can be a full covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray filter input signal sigma_noise : float or np.ndarray float: standard deviation of white noise in y 1D-array: interpretation depends on kind 2D-array: full covariance of input theta : np.ndarray FIR filter coefficients Utheta : np.ndarray, optional 1D-array: coefficient-wise standard uncertainties of filter 2D-array: covariance matrix associated with theta if the filter is fully certain, use `Utheta = None` (default) to make use of more efficient calculations. see also the comparison given in <examples\Digital filtering\> shift : int, optional time delay of filter output signal (in samples) (defaults to 0) blow : np.ndarray, optional optional FIR low-pass filter kind : string only meaningful in combination with sigma_noise a 1D numpy array "diag": point-wise standard uncertainties of non-stationary white noise "corr": single sided autocovariance of stationary (colored/correlated) noise (default) return_full_covariance : bool, optional whether or not to return a full covariance of the output, defaults to False Returns ------- x : np.ndarray FIR filter output signal Ux : np.ndarray return_full_covariance == False : point-wise standard uncertainties associated with x (default) return_full_covariance == True : covariance matrix containing uncertainties associated with x References ---------- * Elster and Link 2008 [Elster2008]_ .. seealso:: :mod:`PyDynamic.model_estimation.fit_filter` """ # Check for special cases, that we can compute much faster: ## These special cases come from the default behavior of the `old` FIRuncFilter ## implementation, which always returned only the square-root of the main diagonal ## of the covariance matrix. ## The special case is activated, if the user does not want a full covariance of ## the result (return_full_covariance == False). Furthermore, sigma_noise and Utheta ## must be representable by pure diagonal covariance matricies (i.e. they are of type ## None, float or 1D-array). By the same reasoning, we need to exclude cases ## of preceding low-pass filtering, as the covariance of the low-pass-filtered ## signal would no longer be purely diagonal. ## Computation is then based on eq. 33 [Elster2008]_ - which is substantially ## faster (typically by orders of magnitude) when compared to the full covariance ## calculation. ## Check this example: <examples\Digital filtering\> # note to user if not return_full_covariance: print( "FIRuncFilter: Output uncertainty will be given as 1D-array of point-wise " "standard uncertainties. Although this requires significantly lesser computations, " "it ignores correlation information. Every FIR-filtered signal will have " "off-diagonal entries in its covariance matrix (assuming the filter is longer " "than 1). To get the full output covariance matrix, use 'return_full_covariance=True'." ) if ( (not return_full_covariance) # no need for full covariance and ( # cases of sigma_noise, that support the faster computation isinstance(sigma_noise, float) or (isinstance(sigma_noise, np.ndarray) and len(sigma_noise.shape) == 1) or (sigma_noise is None) ) and ( # cases of Utheta, that support the faster computation isinstance(Utheta, float) or (isinstance(Utheta, np.ndarray) and len(Utheta.shape) == 1) or (Utheta is None) ) # the low-pass-filtered signal wouldn't have pure diagonal covariance and (blow is None) # if sigma_noise is 1D, it must represent the diagonal of a covariance matrix and (kind == "diag" or not isinstance(sigma_noise, np.ndarray)) ): if isinstance(sigma_noise, float): Uy_diag = np.full_like(y, sigma_noise ** 2) elif isinstance(sigma_noise, np.ndarray): Uy_diag = np.square(sigma_noise) else: Uy_diag = sigma_noise if isinstance(Utheta, float): Utheta_diag = np.full_like(theta, Utheta) elif isinstance(Utheta, np.ndarray): Utheta_diag = np.square(Utheta) else: Utheta_diag = Utheta x, Ux_diag = _fir_filter_diag( y, theta, Uy_diag, Utheta_diag, initial_conditions="constant" ) return x, np.sqrt(np.abs(Ux_diag)) # otherwise, the method computes full covariance information else: Ntheta = len(theta) # FIR filter size # check which case of sigma_noise is necessary if isinstance(sigma_noise, float): Uy = np.diag(np.full(len(y), sigma_noise ** 2)) elif isinstance(sigma_noise, np.ndarray): if len(sigma_noise.shape) == 1: if kind == "diag": Uy = np.diag(sigma_noise ** 2) elif kind == "corr": Uy = toeplitz(trimOrPad(sigma_noise, len(y))) else: raise ValueError("unknown kind of sigma_noise") elif len(sigma_noise.shape) == 2: Uy = sigma_noise else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported value of sigma_noise. Please check the documentation." ) # filter operation(s) if isinstance(blow, np.ndarray): # apply (fully certain) lowpass-filter xlow, Ulow = _fir_filter(y, blow, Uy, None, initial_conditions="constant") # apply filter to lowpass-filtered signal x, Ux = _fir_filter( xlow, theta, Ulow, Utheta, initial_conditions="constant" ) else: # apply filter to input signal x, Ux = _fir_filter(y, theta, Uy, Utheta, initial_conditions="constant") # shift result if shift != 0: x = np.roll(x, -int(shift)) Ux = np.roll(Ux, (-int(shift), -int(shift))) if return_full_covariance: return x, Ux else: return x, np.sqrt(np.abs(np.diag(Ux)))
[docs]def IIRuncFilter(x, noise, b, a, Uab): """ Uncertainty propagation for the signal x and the uncertain IIR filter (b,a) Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray filter input signal noise: float signal noise standard deviation b: np.ndarray filter numerator coefficients a: np.ndarray filter denominator coefficients Uab: np.ndarray covariance matrix for (a[1:],b) Returns ------- y: np.ndarray filter output signal Uy: np.ndarray uncertainty associated with y References ---------- * Link and Elster [Link2009]_ """ if not isinstance(noise, np.ndarray): noise = noise * np.ones_like(x) # translate iid noise to vector p = len(a) - 1 # Adjust dimension for later use. if not len(b) == len(a): b = np.hstack((b, np.zeros((len(a) - len(b),)))) # From discrete-time transfer function to state space representation. [A, bs, c, b0] = tf2ss(b, a) A = np.matrix(A) bs = np.matrix(bs) c = np.matrix(c) phi = np.zeros((2 * p + 1, 1)) dz = np.zeros((p, p)) dz1 = np.zeros((p, p)) z = np.zeros((p, 1)) P = np.zeros((p, p)) y = np.zeros((len(x),)) Uy = np.zeros((len(x),)) Aabl = np.zeros((p, p, p)) for k in range(p): Aabl[0, k, k] = -1 # implementation of the state-space formulas from the paper for n in range(len(y)): for k in range(p): # derivative w.r.t. a_1,...,a_p dz1[:, k] = A * dz[:, k] + np.squeeze(Aabl[:, :, k]) * z phi[k] = c * dz[:, k] - b0 * z[k] phi[p + 1] = -np.matrix(a[1:]) * z + x[n] # derivative w.r.t. b_0 for k in range(p + 2, 2 * p + 1): # derivative w.r.t. b_1,...,b_p phi[k] = z[k - (p + 1)] P = A * P * A.T + noise[n] ** 2 * (bs * bs.T) y[n] = c * z + b0 * x[n] Uy[n] = phi.T * Uab * phi + c * P * c.T + b[0] ** 2 * noise[n] ** 2 z = A * z + bs * x[n] # update of the state equations dz = dz1 Uy = np.sqrt(np.abs(Uy)) # calculate point-wise standard uncertainties return y, Uy