Source code for PyDynamic.model_estimation.fit_transfer

"""This module contains a function for the identification of transfer function models:

* :func:`fit_som`: Fit second-order model to complex-valued frequency response
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from import (

__all__ = ["fit_som"]

[docs]def fit_som( f: np.ndarray, H: np.ndarray, UH: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, weighting: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, MCruns: Optional[Union[int, None]] = 10000, scaling: Optional[float] = 1e-3, verbose: Optional[bool] = False, ): """Fit second-order model to complex-valued frequency response Fit second-order model (spring-damper model) with parameters :math:`S_0, delta` and :math:`f_0` to complex-valued frequency response with uncertainty associated with real and imaginary parts. For a transformation of an uncertainty associated with amplitude and phase to one associated with real and imaginary parts, see :mod:`PyDynamic.uncertainty.propagate_DFT.AmpPhase2DFT`. Parameters ---------- f : (M,) np.ndarray vector of frequencies H : (2M,) np.ndarray real and imaginary parts of measured frequency response values at frequencies f UH : (2M,) or (2M,2M) np.ndarray, optional uncertainties associated with real and imaginary parts When UH is one-dimensional, it is assumed to contain standard uncertainties; otherwise it is taken as covariance matrix. When UH is not specified no uncertainties assoc. with the fit are calculated, which is the default behaviour. weighting : str or (2M,) np.ndarray, optional Type of weighting associated with frequency responses, can be ('diag', 'cov') if UH is given, or Numpy array of weights, defaults to None, which means all values are considered equally important MCruns : int, optional Number of Monte Carlo trials for propagation of uncertainties, defaults to 10000. When MCruns is set to 'None', matrix multiplication is used for the propagation of uncertainties. However, in some cases this can cause trouble. scaling : float, optional scaling of least-squares design matrix for improved fit quality, defaults to 1e-3 verbose : bool, optional if True a progressbar will be printed to console during the Monte Carlo simulations, if False nothing will be printed out, defaults to False Returns ------- p : np.ndarray vector of estimated model parameters [S0, delta, f0] Up : np.ndarray covariance associated with parameter estimate """ n = len(f) two_n = len(H) if 2 * n != two_n: raise ValueError( "fit_som: vector H of real and imaginary parts of frequency " "responses is expected to contain exactly twice as many elements as " f"vector f of frequencies. Please adjust f, which has {n} " f"elements or H, which has {two_n} elements." ) h_real = H[:n] h_imag = H[n:] h_complex = h_real + 1j * h_imag if MCruns is None or UH is None: if np.any(h_complex == 0): raise ValueError( "fit_som: if MCruns is None or UH is None, uncertainty " "propagation is done via matrix multiplication as proposed in " "GUM S2, so frequency responses must not be zero anywhere but H " f"equals {H}." ) elif not isinstance(MCruns, int): raise ValueError( f"fit_som: MCruns is expected to be None or of type int, but MCruns is of " f"type {type(MCruns)}." ) if isinstance(weighting, np.ndarray): if len(weighting) != two_n: raise ValueError( "fit_som: if weighting is provided as a vector, its number of elements " "is expected to match the number of elements in H but weighting has " f"{len(weighting)} elements and H has {two_n} elements." ) W = np.diag(weighting) elif isinstance(weighting, str) and weighting not in {"diag", "cov"}: raise ValueError( "fit_som: if weighting is provided as string, it is expected to be either" f"'diag' or 'cov', but '{weighting}' was given." ) else: W = np.eye(two_n) if UH is not None: if not isinstance(UH, np.ndarray): raise ValueError( "fit_som: if UH is provided, it is expected to be of type np.ndarray, " f"but UH is of type {type(UH)}." ) if not number_of_rows_equals_vector_dim(matrix=UH, vector=H): raise ValueError( "fit_som: number of rows of UH and number of elements of H are " f"expected to match. But H has {len(H)} elements and UH is of shape " f"{UH.shape}." ) if is_2d_matrix(UH): if not _is_2d_square_matrix(UH): raise ValueError( "fit_som: if UH is a matrix, it is expected to be square but UH " f"is of shape {UH.shape}." ) # propagate to real and imaginary parts of reciprocal using Monte Carlo h_mc = np.random.multivariate_normal(H, UH, MCruns) h_mc_complex = h_mc[:, :n] + 1j * h_mc[:, n:] else: # is_vector(UH) h_mc_real = np.tile(h_real, (MCruns, 1)) + np.random.randn( MCruns, n ) * np.tile(UH[:n], (MCruns, 1)) h_mc_imag = np.tile(h_imag, (MCruns, 1)) + np.random.randn( MCruns, n ) * np.tile(UH[n:], (MCruns, 1)) h_mc_complex = h_mc_real + 1j * h_mc_imag inverted_h_mc = np.c_[np.real(1 / h_mc_complex), np.imag(1 / h_mc_complex)] covariance_inverted_h_mc = np.cov(inverted_h_mc, rowvar=False) if isinstance(weighting, str): if weighting == "diag": W = np.diag(np.diag(covariance_inverted_h_mc)) else: # weighting == "cov" W = covariance_inverted_h_mc # Apply GUM S2 if MCruns is not None: # Monte Carlo MU = np.zeros((MCruns, 3)) for i_monte_carlo_run in range(MCruns): iri = inverted_h_mc[i_monte_carlo_run, :] om = 2 * np.pi * f * scaling E = np.c_[np.ones(n), 2j * om, -(om ** 2)] X = np.r_[np.real(E), np.imag(E)] XVX =, X)) XVy =, iri)) MU[i_monte_carlo_run, :] = np.linalg.solve(XVX, XVy) if verbose: progress_bar( i_monte_carlo_run, MCruns, prefix="Monte Carlo for fit_som() running:", ) MU[:, 1] *= scaling MU[:, 2] *= scaling ** 2 # Calculate S0, delta and f0 PARS = np.c_[ 1 / MU[:, 0], MU[:, 1] / np.sqrt(np.abs(MU[:, 0] * MU[:, 2])), np.sqrt(np.abs(MU[:, 0] / MU[:, 2])) / 2 / np.pi, ] pars = PARS.mean(axis=0) Upars = np.cov(PARS, rowvar=False) else: # MCruns == None, so apply GUM S2 linear propagation iri = np.r_[np.real(1 / h_complex), np.imag(1 / h_complex)] om = 2 * np.pi * f E = np.c_[np.ones(n), 2j * om, -(om ** 2)] X = np.r_[np.real(E), np.imag(E)] XVX =, X)) XVy =, iri)) mu = np.linalg.solve(XVX, XVy) iXVX = np.linalg.inv(XVX) XVUVX =, covariance_inverted_h_mc)), np.linalg.solve(W, X), ) Umu = pars = np.r_[ 1 / mu[0], mu[1] / np.sqrt(np.abs(mu[0] * mu[2])), np.sqrt(np.abs(mu[0] / mu[2])) / 2 / np.pi, ] C = np.array( [ [-1 / mu[0] ** 2, 0, 0], [ -mu[1] / (2 * (np.abs(mu[0] + mu[2])) ** (3 / 2)), 1 / np.sqrt(np.abs(mu[0] + mu[2])), -mu[1] / (2 * np.abs(mu[0] + mu[2]) ** (3 / 2)), ], [ 1 / (4 * np.pi * mu[2] * np.sqrt(np.abs(mu[0] / mu[2]))), 0, -mu[0] / (4 * np.pi * mu[2] ** 2 * np.sqrt(np.abs(mu[0] / mu[2]))), ], ] ) Upars = return pars, Upars # UH is None, so apply GUM S2 linear propagation iri = np.r_[np.real(1 / h_complex), np.imag(1 / h_complex)] om = 2 * np.pi * f * scaling E = np.c_[np.ones(n), 2j * om, -(om ** 2)] X = np.r_[np.real(E), np.imag(E)] XVX =, X)) XVy =, iri)) mu = np.linalg.solve(XVX, XVy) mu[1] *= scaling mu[2] *= scaling ** 2 pars = np.r_[ 1 / mu[0], mu[1] / np.sqrt(np.abs(mu[0] * mu[2])), np.sqrt(np.abs(mu[0] / mu[2])) / 2 / np.pi, ] return pars
def _is_2d_square_matrix(ndarray: np.ndarray) -> bool: return is_2d_matrix(ndarray) and ndarray.shape[0] == ndarray.shape[1]