Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Collection of miscellaneous helper functions.

This module contains the following functions:

* *print_vec*: Print vector (1D array) to the console or return as formatted
* *print_mat*: Print matrix (2D array) to the console or return as formatted
* *make_semiposdef*: Make quadratic matrix positive semi-definite
* *FreqResp2RealImag*: Calculate real and imaginary parts from frequency
* *make_equidistant*: Interpolate non-equidistant time series to equidistant

__all__ = ['print_mat', 'print_vec', 'make_semiposdef', 'FreqResp2RealImag',
           'make_equidistant', 'progress_bar']

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.sparse import issparse, eye
from scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack import eigs
import sys

[docs]def make_semiposdef(matrix, maxiter=10, tol=1e-12, verbose=False): """ Make quadratic matrix positive semi-definite by increasing its eigenvalues Parameters ---------- matrix : (N,N) array_like maxiter: int the maximum number of iterations for increasing the eigenvalues tol: float tolerance for deciding if pos. semi-def. verbose: bool If True print some more detail about input parameters. Returns ------- (N,N) array_like quadratic positive semi-definite matrix """ n, m = matrix.shape if n != m: raise ValueError("Matrix has to be quadratic") # use specialised functions for sparse matrices if issparse(matrix): # enforce symmetric matrix matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T) # calculate smallest eigenvalue e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False)).min() count = 0 # increase the eigenvalues until matrix is positive semi-definite while e < tol and count < maxiter: matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * eye(n, format=matrix.format) e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False)).min() count += 1 e = np.real(eigs(matrix, which="SR", return_eigenvectors=False)).min() # same procedure for non-sparse matrices else: matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T) count = 0 e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min() while e < tol and count < maxiter: e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min() matrix += (np.absolute(e) + tol) * np.eye(n) e = np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)).min() if verbose: print("Final result of make_semiposdef: smallest eigenvalue is %e" % e) return matrix
[docs]def FreqResp2RealImag(Abs, Phase, Unc, MCruns=1e4): """ Calculate real and imaginary parts from frequency response Calculate real and imaginary parts from amplitude and phase with associated uncertainties. Parameters ---------- Abs: (N,) array_like amplitude values Phase: (N,) array_like phase values in rad Unc: (2N, 2N) or (2N,) array_like uncertainties MCruns: bool Iterations for Monte Carlo simulation Returns ------- Re, Im: (N,) array_like real and imaginary parts (best estimate) URI: (2N, 2N) array_like uncertainties assoc. with Re and Im """ if len(Abs) != len(Phase) or 2 * len(Abs) != len(Unc): raise ValueError('\nLength of inputs are inconsistent.') if len(Unc.shape) == 1: Unc = np.diag(Unc) Nf = len(Abs) AbsPhas = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.hstack((Abs, Phase)), Unc, int(MCruns)) # draw MC inputs H = AbsPhas[:, :Nf] * np.exp( 1j * AbsPhas[:, Nf:]) # calculate complex frequency response values RI = np.hstack((np.real(H), np.imag(H))) # transform to real, imag Re = np.mean(RI[:, :Nf]) Im = np.mean(RI[:, Nf:]) URI = np.cov(RI, rowvar=False) return Re, Im, URI
[docs]def make_equidistant(t, y, uy, dt=5e-2, kind='linear'): """ Interpolate non-equidistant time series to equidistant Interpolate measurement values and propagate uncertainties accordingly. Parameters ---------- t: (N,) array_like timestamps in ascending order y: (N,) array_like corresponding measurement values uy: (N,) array_like corresponding measurement values' uncertainties dt: float, optional desired interval length in seconds kind: str, optional Specifies the kind of interpolation for the measurement values as a string ('previous', 'next', 'nearest' or 'linear'). Returns ------- t_new : (N,) array_like timestamps y_new : (N,) array_like measurement values uy_new : (N,) array_like measurement values' uncertainties References ---------- * White [White2017]_ """ # Check for ascending order of timestamps. if not np.all(t[1:] >= t[:-1]): raise ValueError('Array of timestamps needs to be in ascending order.') # Setup new vectors of timestamps. t_new = np.arange(t[0], t[-1], dt) # Interpolate measurement values in the desired fashion. interp_y = interp1d(t, y, kind=kind) y_new = interp_y(t_new) if kind in ('previous', 'next', 'nearest'): # Look up uncertainties in cases where it is applicable. interp_uy = interp1d(t, uy, kind=kind) uy_new = interp_uy(t_new) else: if kind == 'linear': # Iterate over t_new as ndarray to find relevant timestamp indices. indices = np.empty_like(t_new, dtype=int) it_t_new = np.nditer(t_new, flags=['f_index']) while not it_t_new.finished: # Find indices of biggest of all timestamps smaller or equal # than current time, assumes that timestamps are in ascending # order. indices[it_t_new.index] = np.where(t <= it_t_new[0])[0][-1] it_t_new.iternext() t_prev = t[indices] t_next = t[indices + 1] # Look up corresponding input uncertainties. uy_prev_sqr = uy[indices] ** 2 uy_next_sqr = uy[indices + 1] ** 2 # Compute uncertainties for interpolated measurement values. uy_new = np.sqrt((t_new - t_next) ** 2 * uy_prev_sqr + (t_new - t_prev) ** 2 * uy_next_sqr) / \ (t_next - t_prev) else: raise NotImplementedError return t_new, y_new, uy_new
[docs]def progress_bar(count, count_max, width=30, prefix="", done_indicator="#", todo_indicator =".", fout=sys.stdout): """ A simple and reusable progress-bar. Parameters ---------- count: int current status of iterations, assumed to be zero-based count_max: int total number of iterations width: int, optional width of the actual progressbar (actual printed line will be wider) prefix: str, optional some text that will be printed in front of the bar (i.e. "Progress of ABC:") done_indicator: str, optional what character is used as "already-done"-indicator todo_indicator: str, optional what character is used as "not-done-yet"-indicator fout: file-object, optional where the progress-bar should be written/printed to """ x = int(width * (count+1) / count_max) progressString = "{PREFIX}[{DONE}{NOTDONE}] {COUNT}/{COUNTMAX}\r".format( PREFIX=prefix, DONE=x * done_indicator, NOTDONE=(width-x) * todo_indicator, COUNT=count+1, COUNTMAX=count_max) fout.write(progressString)