Source code for PyDynamic.deconvolution.fit_filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains functions to carry out a least-squares fit of a digital
filter to the reciprocal of a given
complex frequency response. 

This module contains the following functions:

* *LSFIR*: Least-squares fit of a digital FIR filter to the reciprocal of a
  given frequency response.
* *LSFIR_unc*: Design of FIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency response
  values with uncertainty
* *LSFIR_uncMC*: Design of FIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency
  response values with uncertainty via Monte Carlo
* *LSIIR*: Design of a stable IIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency
  response values
* *LSIIR_unc*: Design of a stable IIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency
  response values with uncertainty

.. deprecated:: 1.2.71
          The module *deconvolution* will be combined with the module
          *identification* and renamed to *model_estimation* in the next
          major release 3.0. From then on you should only use the new module
          *model_estimation* instead.

import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as dsp

from ..misc.filterstuff import grpdelay, mapinside

__all__ = ['LSFIR', 'LSFIR_unc', 'LSIIR', 'LSIIR_unc', 'LSFIR_uncMC']

    "The module *deconvolution* will be combined with the module "
    "*identification* and renamed to *model_estimation* in the "
    "next major release 3.0. From then on you should only use "
    "the new module *model_estimation* instead.",

[docs]def LSFIR(H, N, tau, f, Fs, Wt=None): """ Least-squares fit of a digital FIR filter to the reciprocal of a given frequency response. Parameters ---------- H: np.ndarray of shape (M,) and dtype complex frequency response values N: int FIR filter order tau: float delay of filter f: np.ndarray of shape (M,) frequencies Fs: float sampling frequency of digital filter Wt: np.ndarray of shape (M,) - optional vector of weights Returns ------- bFIR: np.ndarray of shape (N,) filter coefficients References ---------- * Elster and Link [Elster2008]_ .. see_also ::mod::`PyDynamic.uncertainty.propagate_filter.FIRuncFilter` """ print("\nLeast-squares fit of an order %d digital FIR filter to the" % N) print("reciprocal of a frequency response given by %d values.\n" % len(H)) H = H[:, np.newaxis] # extend to matrix-like for simplified algebra w = 2 * np.pi * f / Fs # set up radial frequencies w = w[:, np.newaxis] ords = np.arange(N + 1)[:, np.newaxis] # set up design matrix ords = ords.T E = np.exp(-1j *, ords)) if Wt is not None: # set up weighted design matrix if necessary if len(np.shape(Wt)) == 2: # is matrix weights = np.diag(Wt) else: weights = np.eye(len(f)) * Wt X = np.vstack( [np.real(, E)), np.imag(, E))]) else: X = np.vstack([np.real(E), np.imag(E)]) Hs = H * np.exp(1j * w * tau) # apply time delay for improved fit quality iRI = np.vstack([np.real(1.0 / Hs), np.imag(1.0 / Hs)]) bFIR, res = np.linalg.lstsq(X, iRI)[:2] # the actual fitting if (not isinstance(res, np.ndarray)) or ( len(res) == 1): # summarise results print( "Calculation of FIR filter coefficients finished with residual " "norm %e" % res) Hd = dsp.freqz(bFIR, 1, 2 * np.pi * f / Fs)[1] Hd = Hd * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f / Fs * tau) res = np.hstack((np.real(Hd) - np.real(H), np.imag(Hd) - np.imag(H))) rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(res ** 2) / len(f)) print("Final rms error = %e \n\n" % rms) return bFIR.flatten()
[docs]def LSFIR_unc(H, UH, N, tau, f, Fs, wt=None, verbose=True, trunc_svd_tol=None): """Design of FIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency response values with uncertainty Least-squares fit of a digital FIR filter to the reciprocal of a frequency response for which associated uncertainties are given for its real and imaginary part. Uncertainties are propagated using a truncated svd and linear matrix propagation. Parameters ---------- H: np.ndarray of shape (M,) frequency response values UH: np.ndarray of shape (2M,2M) uncertainties associated with the real and imaginary part N: int FIR filter order tau: float delay of filter f: np.ndarray of shape (M,) frequencies Fs: float sampling frequency of digital filter wt: np.ndarray of shape (2M,) - optional array of weights for a weighted least-squares method verbose: bool, optional whether to print statements to the command line trunc_svd_tol: float lower bound for singular values to be considered for pseudo-inverse Returns ------- b: np.ndarray of shape (N+1,) filter coefficients of shape Ub: np.ndarray of shape (N+1,N+1) uncertainties associated with b References ---------- * Elster and Link [Elster2008]_ """ if verbose: print( "\nLeast-squares fit of an order %d digital FIR filter to the" % N) print("reciprocal of a frequency response given by %d values" % len(H)) print("and propagation of associated uncertainties.") # Step 1: Propagation of uncertainties to reciprocal of frequency response runs = 10000 Nf = len(f) if not len(H) == UH.shape[0]: # Assume that H is given as complex valued frequency response. RI = np.hstack((np.real(H), np.imag(H))) else: RI = H.copy() H = H[:Nf] + 1j * H[Nf:] HRI = np.random.multivariate_normal(RI, UH, runs) # random draws of real,imag of # freq response values omtau = 2 * np.pi * f / Fs * tau # Vectorized Monte Carlo for propagation to inverse absHMC = HRI[:, :Nf] ** 2 + HRI[:, Nf:] ** 2 HiMC = np.hstack(((HRI[:, :Nf] * np.tile(np.cos(omtau), (runs, 1)) + HRI[:, Nf:] * np.tile(np.sin(omtau), (runs, 1))) / absHMC, (HRI[:, Nf:] * np.tile(np.cos(omtau), (runs, 1)) - HRI[:, :Nf] * np.tile(np.sin(omtau), (runs, 1))) / absHMC)) UiH = np.cov(HiMC, rowvar=False) # Step 2: Fit filter coefficients and evaluate uncertainties if isinstance(wt, np.ndarray): if wt.shape != np.diag(UiH).shape[0]: raise ValueError("User-defined weighting has wrong dimension.") else: wt = np.ones(2 * Nf) E = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi *[:, np.newaxis] / Fs, np.arange(N + 1)[:, np.newaxis].T)) X = np.vstack((np.real(E), np.imag(E))) X =, X) Hm = H * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f / Fs * tau) Hri = np.hstack((np.real(1.0 / Hm), np.imag(1.0 / Hm))) u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False) if isinstance(trunc_svd_tol, float): s[s < trunc_svd_tol] = 0.0 StSInv = np.zeros_like(s) StSInv[s > 0] = s[s > 0] ** (-2) M =, np.diag(StSInv)), np.diag(s)), u.T) bFIR =, Hri[:, np.newaxis]) # actual fitting UbFIR =, UiH), M.T) # evaluation of uncertainties bFIR = bFIR.flatten() if verbose: Hd = dsp.freqz(bFIR, 1, 2 * np.pi * f / Fs)[1] Hd = Hd * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f / Fs * tau) res = np.hstack((np.real(Hd) - np.real(H), np.imag(Hd) - np.imag(H))) rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(res ** 2) / len(f)) print("Final rms error = %e \n\n" % rms) return bFIR, UbFIR
[docs]def LSFIR_uncMC(H, UH, N, tau, f, Fs, verbose=True): """Design of FIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency response values with uncertainty Least-squares fit of a FIR filter to the reciprocal of a frequency response for which associated uncertainties are given for its real and imaginary parts. Uncertainties are propagated using a Monte Carlo method. This method may help in cases where the weighting matrix or the Jacobian are ill-conditioned, resulting in false uncertainties associated with the filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- H: np.ndarray of shape (M,) and dtype complex frequency response values UH: np.ndarray of shape (2M,2M) uncertainties associated with the real and imaginary part of H N: int FIR filter order tau: int time delay of filter in samples f: np.ndarray of shape (M,) frequencies corresponding to H Fs: float sampling frequency of digital filter verbose: bool, optional whether to print statements to the command line Returns ------- b: np.ndarray of shape (N+1,) filter coefficients of shape Ub: np.ndarray of shape (N+1, N+1) uncertainties associated with b References ---------- * Elster and Link [Elster2008]_ """ if verbose: print( "\nLeast-squares fit of an order %d digital FIR filter to the" % N) print("reciprocal of a frequency response given by %d values" % len(H)) print("and propagation of associated uncertainties.") # Step 1: Propagation of uncertainties to reciprocal of frequency response runs = 10000 HRI = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.hstack((np.real(H), np.imag(H))), UH, runs) # Step 2: Fitting the filter coefficients E = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi *[:, np.newaxis] / Fs, np.arange(N + 1)[:, np.newaxis].T)) X = np.vstack((np.real(E), np.imag(E))) Nf = len(f) bF = np.zeros((N + 1, runs)) resn = np.zeros((runs,)) for k in range(runs): Hk = HRI[k, :Nf] + 1j * HRI[k, Nf:] Hkt = Hk * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f / Fs * tau) iRI = np.hstack([np.real(1.0 / Hkt), np.imag(1.0 / Hkt)]) bF[:, k], res = np.linalg.lstsq(X, iRI)[:2] resn[k] = np.linalg.norm(res) bFIR = np.mean(bF, axis=1) UbFIR = np.cov(bF, rowvar=True) return bFIR, UbFIR
def fitIIR(Hvals, tau, w, E, Na, Nb): """The helper function for the actual fitting part. Parameters ---------- Hvals: np.ndarray of shape (M,) and dtype complex frequency response values. tau: float initial estimate of time delay for filter stabilization. w: np.ndarray :math:`2 * np.pi * f / Fs` E: np.ndarray :math:`np.exp(-1j *[:, np.newaxis], Ns.T))` Nb: int order of IIR numerator polynomial. Na: int order of IIR denominator polynomial. Returns ------- bi, ai : np.ndarray IIR filter coefficients as numpy arrays """ from numpy import conj from numpy.linalg import lstsq # helper function for actual fitting part Ea = E[:, 1:Na + 1] Eb = E[:, :Nb + 1] Htau = np.exp(-1j * w * tau) * Hvals ** (-1) HEa =, Ea) D = np.hstack((HEa, -Eb)) Tmp1 = np.real(, D)) Tmp2 = np.real(, -Htau)) ab = lstsq(Tmp1, Tmp2)[0] ai = np.hstack((1.0, ab[:Na])) bi = ab[Na:] return bi, ai
[docs]def LSIIR(Hvals, Nb, Na, f, Fs, tau, justFit=False, verbose=True): """Design of a stable IIR filter as fit to reciprocal of frequency response values Least-squares fit of a digital IIR filter to the reciprocal of a given set of frequency response values using the equation-error method and stabilization by pole mapping and introduction of a time delay. Parameters ---------- Hvals: np.ndarray of shape (M,) and dtype complex frequency response values. Nb: int order of IIR numerator polynomial. Na: int order of IIR denominator polynomial. f: np.ndarray of shape (M,) frequencies corresponding to Hvals Fs: float sampling frequency for digital IIR filter. tau: float initial estimate of time delay for filter stabilization. justFit: bool if True then no stabilization is carried out. verbose: bool If True print some more detail about input parameters. Returns ------- b, a : np.ndarray IIR filter coefficients tau : int time delay (in samples) References ---------- * Eichstädt, Elster, Esward, Hessling [Eichst2010]_ """ from numpy import count_nonzero, roots, ceil, median if verbose: print( "\nLeast-squares fit of an order %d digital IIR filter to the" % max( Nb, Na)) print("reciprocal of a frequency response given by %d values.\n" % len( Hvals)) w = 2 * np.pi * f / Fs Ns = np.arange(0, max(Nb, Na) + 1)[:, np.newaxis] E = np.exp(-1j *[:, np.newaxis], Ns.T)) bi, ai = fitIIR(Hvals, tau, w, E, Na, Nb) if justFit: # no uncertainty evaluation return bi, ai if count_nonzero(abs(roots(ai)) > 1) > 0: stable = False else: stable = True maxiter = 50 astab = mapinside(ai) # stabilise filter run = 1 while stable is not True and run < maxiter: # shift delay such that filter # becomes stable g1 = grpdelay(bi, ai, Fs)[0] g2 = grpdelay(bi, astab, Fs)[0] tau = ceil(tau + median(g2 - g1)) bi, ai = fitIIR(Hvals, tau, w, E, Na, Nb) if count_nonzero(abs(roots(ai)) > 1) > 0: astab = mapinside(ai) else: stable = True run = run + 1 if count_nonzero(abs(roots(ai)) > 1) > 0 and verbose: print("Caution: The algorithm did NOT result in a stable IIR filter!") print( "Maybe try again with a higher value of tau0 or a higher filter " "order?") if verbose: print("Least squares fit finished after %d iterations (tau=%d).\n" % ( run, tau)) Hd = dsp.freqz(bi, ai, 2 * np.pi * f / Fs)[1] Hd = Hd * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f / Fs * tau) res = np.hstack( (np.real(Hd) - np.real(Hvals), np.imag(Hd) - np.imag(Hvals))) rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(res ** 2) / len(f)) print("Final rms error = %e \n\n" % rms) return bi, ai, int(tau)
[docs]def LSIIR_unc(H, UH, Nb, Na, f, Fs, tau=0): """Design of stabel IIR filter as fit to reciprocal of given frequency response with uncertainty Least-squares fit of a digital IIR filter to the reciprocal of a given set of frequency response values with given associated uncertainty. Propagation of uncertainties is carried out using the Monte Carlo method. Parameters ---------- H: np.ndarray of shape (M,) and dtype complex frequency response values. UH: np.ndarray of shape (2M,2M) uncertainties associated with real and imaginary part of H Nb: int order of IIR numerator polynomial. Na: int order of IIR denominator polynomial. f: np.ndarray of shape (M,) frequencies corresponding to H Fs: float sampling frequency for digital IIR filter. tau: float initial estimate of time delay for filter stabilization. Returns ------- b,a: np.ndarray IIR filter coefficients tau: int time delay (in samples) Uba: np.ndarray of shape (Nb+Na+1, Nb+Na+1) uncertainties associated with [a[1:],b] References ---------- * Eichstädt, Elster, Esward and Hessling [Eichst2010]_ .. seealso:: :mod:`PyDynamic.uncertainty.propagate_filter.IIRuncFilter` :mod:`PyDynamic.deconvolution.fit_filter.LSIIR` """ runs = 1000 print( "\nLeast-squares fit of an order %d digital IIR filter to the" % max(Nb, Na)) print("reciprocal of a frequency response given by %d values.\n" % len(H)) print("Uncertainties of the filter coefficients are evaluated using\n" "the GUM S2 Monte Carlo method with %d runs.\n" % runs) # Step 1: Propagation of uncertainties to frequency response HRI = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.hstack((np.real(H), np.imag(H))), UH, runs) HH = HRI[:, :len(f)] + 1j * HRI[:, len(f):] # Step 2: Fit filter and evaluate uncertainties (Monte Carlo method) AB = np.zeros((runs, Nb + Na + 1)) Tau = np.zeros((runs,)) for k in range(runs): bi, ai, Tau[k] = LSIIR(HH[k, :], Nb, Na, f, Fs, tau, verbose=False) AB[k, :] = np.hstack((ai[1:], bi)) bi = np.mean(AB[:, Na:], axis=0) ai = np.hstack((np.array([1.0]), np.mean(AB[:, :Na], axis=0))) Uab = np.cov(AB, rowvar=False) tau = np.mean(Tau) return bi, ai, tau, Uab